Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 10:3 Favorite Concept

My favorite concept from the text, was from Chapter 3 Mindless and Mindful Processing. I guess this concept touched home for me because I tend to mindless process information more than I realized until reviewing this section. I feel so busy all the time. I'm always involved in multiple tasks at a time and several commitments. Between my education, my job, and my personal life, I just feel overwhelmed by life. I feel like when I'm stressed and I'm trying to do my best for everyone, I get wrapped up in thought. I tend to just skim through information and conversations will pass my mind without much consideration. I feel that mindless processing can help sometimes in dealing with massive amounts of information, but it also can be damaging to your communication skills. If you don't register and remember certain things you are told or read, it can be important later and put you at a loss when you can't remember. Mindful processing is a good skill for memorizing certain facts and retaining memories. Mindful processing also gives a person independence in thought. Being mindful gives us freedom to think about things and come up with unique ideas and solutions. We don't want to be zombies in this world, just thinking and believing what they show us on television or put on the internet, radio, newspapers and magazines. I picked this concept as my favorite to share with the class because I don't want to forget! Graduation does not mean this is all done and I can forget it; now is the time to apply all these great communication skills in my life.

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